Top 5 Most Common Dental Procedures for Children

Pediatric and adult dental treatments vary slightly but are relatively comparable. Since kids’ teeth are still forming, they need more regular dental consultations. A pediatric dentist should check their development to guarantee every little thing is going well.

Seeing a pediatric dentist is highly recommended. They are trained dental professionals who can offer routine care to keep children’s oral health. The common practices in a pediatric dental office are covered in this article. Are you taking your kids to the dentist? You might find these details beneficial.

Pediatric Dental Procedures

What are other oral treatments available for children? A few pediatric dental treatments are explained below. These are the most popular among kids. Continue reading for more details.

Dental Cleanings

Another common and important pediatric oral procedure is having a kid visit a dental hygienist for regular cleanings. Routine cleanings are essential because kids’ teeth are more susceptible to cavities due to too much sugar consumption and bad oral hygiene. Oral cleanings are typically easy, allowing the hygienist and pediatric dentist to eliminate any accumulated plaque that might harden into tartar. You can check out Greensboro dental for more information.


Dental fillings are among pediatric dentists’ most popular dental procedures. Kid’s teeth are susceptible to decay, which can result in cavities. They can occasionally treat cavities with an easy and simple dental filling treatment. They will numb the infected tooth, and the pediatric dentist will eliminate damaged areas.

Following dental drilling, the tooth will be filled with a material selected by the dentist and the guardian. Silver amalgam and ceramic porcelain are common materials that are both long-lasting and efficient in sealing the tooth.

Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic treatment is essential for children and adults; however, it is more common in kids. Braces are commonly used to fix crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth. A “bad bite” can create problems in children, usually in the form of an overbite or underbite. Throughout a dental visit, your dentist is likely to notice problems. It is best to arrange a consultation to see what can be done to help in treating your child.

They might not always need braces. If they are, there are several brace choices available to them. Clear Invisalign trays, traditional metal braces, and even clear porcelain braces blend in with the teeth (though they require metal ones under). Click here to learn more about Invisalign.


Tooth removal is another common pediatric oral treatment. As shocking as it may appear, numerous kids need extractions throughout childhood. When teeth become too infected or lack space in the mouth, a pediatric dentist may suggest that the tooth be extracted. Extractions can be frightening for kids; however, pediatric dentists are educated to carry out this procedure on them. Localized numbing is used to make the kid less conscious of pain.  Find out more about orthodontics in Greensboro, NC in case your kid needs one.


X-rays are crucial tools that dentists frequently use to check what’s going on inside your child’s mouth. They’re relatively risk-free for kids; however, it’s ideal for taking as little as possible to acquire the essential details. This applies to people of all ages. When possible, you should keep radiation exposure to a minimum. If a kid has a high possibility of cavities, it is best to get an X-ray every 6-12 months. That number goes down to 12-24 months for low-risk kids.

Final Thoughts

Some people are scared of oral treatments; however, it’s important to remember that they’re not all harmful– particularly with the best pediatric dentist. Remember that no matter what procedure your kid needs, it is essential that they feel comfortable with the person doing it. Because you want the most beneficial for your children, obtaining the best oral treatment from a pediatric dentist will help them establish good dental hygiene habits at a young age.